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Category: Uncategorized

VMware Product Interoperability Matrixes

Nice link to check the VMware Product Interoperability Matrix. I think, this link is very important for all the guys involved with VMware Management/Operations.


Magic Thumb™ is a fantastic way to enlarge thumnbail images using a JavaScript lightbox effect. They have a very good support. I had some issues configuring it and they helped me out.

Running Powershell cmdlets on remote computer

I am still new to powershell everyday I learn something new about it. Today, while going through the manuals, I noticed a interesting cmdlet called "Enter-PSSession"   Description The Enter-PSSession cmdlet starts an interactive session with a single remote computer. During the session, the commands that you type run on the remote computer, just as […]

Installing ESXi 5.0 Best pratices

With the release of vSpehre 5, there are going to be lot of people planning/testing the new product. The following KB article from VMware provides best practices that one needs to follow for installing ESXi. It also provides some good links to VMware compatibility guide. In my humble opinion everybody should go through this KB […]

VMworld 2011/Vegas Experience

It was amazing to attend VMworld 2011. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. In fact I stayed in Vegas for 10 days. It was a business/pleasure trip. Here are the few take away points from my VMworld/Vegas experience 1) Try to book your trip via Priceline, I got a good deal from them. 2) […]

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