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vCenter Operations Manager 5.6 Features

Finally, vCOPS 5.6 is released. I was eagerly waiting for it. Few of the highlights of this new release

  1. vCenter Server Compatibility
    vCenter Operations Manager now supports VMware vCenter Server 5.1 and ESXi 5.1. Beta versions of vCenter Server and ESXi hosts are not supported in this 5.6 release.
  2. Integration with VMware vCenter Infrastructure Navigator
    This release introduces integration with vCenter Infrastructure Navigator. You can use application awareness for operations monitoring, troubleshooting, and planning.
  3. Integration with VMware vCenter Configuration Manager
    This release provides deeper integration with vCenter Configuration Manager. A new Compliance badge under the Risk badge enables you to understand compliance risks, and to correlate the changes that are affecting the compliance risk.
  4. Integration in the VMware vSphere Web Client
    This release introduces vCenter Operations Manager integration in the vSphere Web Client. Badges appear in the vSphere Web Client interface when you register an instance of VMware vCenter Operations Manager with a vCenter Server that you want to monitor.
  5. Custom Groups
    This release introduces user-defined and pre-defined custom groups. You can use the groups feature to customize the operational view of your infrastructure, tailoring it to your business environment. You can also customize group settings using policies.
  6. Capacity Analysis
    This release enhances capacity planning by introducing more granular setting for capacity analysis.
  7. Interpretations and Recommendations
    This release introduces context-sensitive explanations and next-step guidance for virtual machine, host, datastore, and cluster details.
  8. Custom Reports (Experimental)
    This release introduces an experimental feature for configuring user-defined and pre-defined custom reports.
  9. Custom User Interface Enhancements
    This release provides enhancements to the Custom user interface

Let’s hope we see more documentation about vCOPS with this new release

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