vCenter Server Max

August 3rd, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments
1. How many hosts per Center server are supported

2. How many powered-on VM per vCenter are supported

3. How Many registered VM per VC are supported

4. How many Linked vCenter servers are supported

5. Max number of hosts in vCenter Server

6. Max number of powered on Vm in linked vCenter server

7. Max number of registered VM in Linked Vcenter Server

8. Concurrent vSphere Clients

9. Number of Hosts per Datacenter

10. Max Concurrent provisioning operations per host

 11.Max Concurrent provisioning operations per datastore

12. Max Concurrent vMotion operations per host (1GB/s network)

 13. Max Concurrent vMotion operations per host (10GB/s network)

 14. Max Concurrent vMotion operations per VMFS3 datastore

 15. Max Concurrent Storage vMotion operations per host

  16. Max Concurrent Storage vMotion operations per datastore

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# this line was added by me, vcpguy to make the Syntaxhighlighter evolved work !!!