Obj 4.3 – Configure a vSphere Env to support MSCS Clustering

August 9th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Objec­tive 4.3 – Con­fig­ure a vSphere Envi­ron­ment to sup­port MSCS Clustering


Iden­tify MSCS clus­ter­ing solu­tion requirements

Iden­tify the three sup­ported MSCS configurations

Skills and Abilities

Con­fig­ure Vir­tual Machine hard­ware to sup­port clus­ter type and guest OS

Con­fig­ure a MSCS clus­ter on a sin­gle ESX/ESXi Host

Con­fig­ure a MSCS clus­ter across ESX/ESXi Hosts

Con­fig­ure standby host clus­ter­ing


Setup for Failover Clus­ter­ing and Microsoft Clus­ter Service

Prod­uct Documentation


Most of the above infor­ma­tion is avail­able from my other post

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