Networking (4.1) Coming Soon

August 2nd, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

This page is for all the Net­work­ing related ques­tions in ESX

1. How many e1000 1GB Eth­er­net ports (Intel PCI-x) are usp­ported in ESX ?

2. How many e1000e 1GB Eth­er­net ports are sup­ported for Intel PCI-e)

3. How many igb 1GB Eth­er­net ports are there for (Intel)

4. How many tg3 1GB Eth­er­net ports are there for (Broadcom)

5. How many bnx2 1GB Eth­er­net ports are there (Broadcom)

6. How many forcedeth 1GB Eth­er­net ports are sup­ported for (NVIDIA)

7. How many s2io 10GB Eth­er­net ports (Nete­rion) are supported

8. How many nx_nic 10GB Eth­er­net ports (NetXen) are supported

9. How many ixgbe Oplin 10GB Eth­er­net ports (Intel) are supported

10. How many bnx2x 10GB Eth­er­net ports (Broad­com) are supported

11.How many VMDi­rect­Path PCI/PCIe devices per host are supported

12. How many VMDi­rect­Path PCI/PCIe devices per vir­tual machine are supported

13. How many vir­tual net­work switch ports are there per host for (vDS and vSS ports)

14. How many max­i­mum active ports are there per host ( vDS and VSS)

15. How many Vir­tual net­work switch cre­ation ports per stan­dard switch

16. How many ports are there for stan­dard switch

17. How many Sta­tic or Dynamic Port groups are there per dis­trib­uted switch

18. How many Ephemeral Port groups are there per dis­trib­uted switch

19. How many Ports are there per dis­trib­uted switch

20. How many Dis­trib­uted vir­tual net­work switch ports per vCenter

21. How many Sta­tic or Dynamic Port groups are there per vCenter

22. How many Ephemeral Port groups are sup­ported per vCenter

23. How many Dis­trib­uted switches per vCen­ter can be created

24. How many Dis­trib­uted switches per Host can be created

25. How many Hosts per dis­trib­uted switch is supported

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